Legal Statements and Reports
Snapshot of your company's financial position through multiple financial reports
Journals Dashboard
Odex accounting comes with a clear designed dashboard, to provide easy access an overview of journals, Easy to read and provide quick access to all journal's procedures
General Ledger
- Unified Sequence
- Auditing
- Print journal entry
- Reverse journal entry
- Cancellation
- TAX Adjustments
Hierarchical chart of Accounts
Easily importing chart of account (Excel, CSV)
Auto Levelling
Auto compute account levels according to the hierarchy
Control privileges of accounts creation and editing
Ability to Print
Print chart of account with more than one format : PDF, Excel, CSV
Accounting Reports
Very important for all companies to track the financial status of a business also to organize important business transactions, keep track of invoices, and for legal purposes
Consolidated Journal Report
The consolidated journal displays what happened in each journal organized month by month for readability
Advanced Taxes Management
Odex's tax engine support a wide range of tax computations: price included / excluded, percentage, grid, tax on taxes, partial exemptions, etc
Profit & Loss (income statement)
Navigate easily through the flow of information from the Profit & Loss report
Balance Sheet
Get current year profit automatically reported to balance sheet , ready to report at any time without having to close/open fiscal years
Tax Reports
Get tax reports in accrual or cash based, formatted according to the right country
Cash-Flow Statement
Get a cash flow statement in real time with lots of options in the filters
For more information feel free to contact us at any time ...